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old old new albums, new new albums, new merch, streaming, stuff

hey everyone! i doubt anyone has ever read this, but i really enjoy writing here. i enjoy it so much that i only do it once a year to not spoil the fun. it's like a diary or something. here's a little round up on everything i forgot to put on here.

i released an album called tvb in February. It's an album i started writing and recording in 2014 (except for one song) and then i really loved it but after listening to it for almost 10 years i grew fond of how it sounded unfinished, and some really kind words by my friend Sara convinced me to release it this way.

i have another album i'm working on, it's a bit different from the stuff i've been doing recently and i think it's really fun. i'm gonna be recording it with some friends soon-ish and i'm really excited about it. more info on that in the coming months.

i made tie dye t-shirts and they're available on bandcamp! here's some examples:

i found a handful of tapes, i can still make one for you if you want, and still have lots of cd-rs, so i can do that too.

All the meow meow fuzzyface albums are now available on TIDAL, Spotify, Deezer and Youtube. It's kinda funny to see my little drawings and photos on real websites.

Would anyone be interested in a meow meow fuzzyface live show?

Until next time, take care!

Much love,

meow meow fuzzyface